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Ethos Session #2: Crafting a School of Philosophy


We wanted to share the recording from Justin’s most recent LinkedIn Live in the Ethos series on Conscious Branding. In this episode, Justin shares a core fundamental of becoming a conscious branding: creating and thinking like a School of Philosophy.

Here’s a summary of his points about the five elements of a brand school of philosophy:

Historical Context  

  • What ancient principles or traditions are you carrying on? Are the next iteration of?

  • What is our story? 

Cultural Identity

  • Who are we internally and externally? Are we consequente?

  • What does it say about us to be a part of this brand? 

  • Free expression vs “message discipline”

Clearly Articulated Virtues

  • Virtue = values in action

  • Agreements on how we will treat each other

Conscious skills

  • Critical thinking

  • Open-heartedness 

  • Pattern recognition

  • Creativity

  • Intuition

Intellectual Property

  • Category design

  • Methodology 

  • Brand equity

Stay tuned for Ethos Session #3 on Brand Poetry!


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